Data Science

ML – Customer Segmentation

Dividing customers into groups based on similar functionality or customer segmentation is based on the problem of clustering which means…

What is Chi-Square Test ?

In the field of statistics Occasionally we heard about categorical data, tests to validate the results, and different approaches to…

NLP – N-grams

N-grams A combination of multiple words together is called N-Grams. N-grams (N > 1) are generally more informative as compared…

NLP – Tokenization

Tokenization It's the process of breaking down the text into sentences and phrases. The work entails breaking down a text…

NLP – Corpus

Corpus In linguistics and NLP, corpus (literally Latin for body) refers to a collection of texts. Such collections may be formed…

NLP – Natural language processing [Intro]

Hi folks, Here in this article we are going to see basic terminology and learn about Natural Language processing. Introduction…

Linear Regression – Cons[2]

Prone to outliers Linear regression is very sensitive to outliers (anomalies). So, outliers should be analysed and removed before applying…

Linear Regression – Cons[1]

Only Linear Problems Ordinary Least Squares won't work well with non-linear data. If you are not sure about the linearity…

SQL Window Function – part 1

Hi folks here in this article we are going to see what is window function in SQL, and how it…

Clustering, Classification and Regression

Hi folks, In the field of machine learning we all know the type of problems are different, sometimes we predict…